Russian Formalism: Theory, Literature, Cinema

The Russian Formalism is definitely one of the most renowned intellectual trends of the 20th century Russia. A famous British scholar Terry Eagleton claimed that the theory of literature started in 1917 when a young Russian formalist Viktor Shklovsly published his pioneering essay Art as Device. Students will read and discuss the most acclaimed works (critical essays, academic articles, and short fiction) by Viktor Shklovsky, Boris Eikhenbaum, Yury Tynianov, and Lidia Ginzburg to explore connections between Russian formalism and Russian Modernism (in arts, literature, and cinema.) The lectures and discussions will be widely supplemented by clips from movies made by formalist authors. Students will write weekly one-page response papers and a final paper.


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1:00pm-1:59pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (Jul 5, 2012 to Aug 17, 2012)
Gifford SEM