Hispanic Food: An Interdisciplinary World

This course is designed to introduce you to the multifaceted aspects of food in the Hispanic World and its wide spectrum of cultural products, practices, and perspectives. Food is a part of our daily life and as such our interactions with it range from mundane practices to most meaningful choices of dietary options rooted in our cultural background. We will study the complex world of food following an interdisciplinary approach—looking at: the production, distribution, and consumption of food as a representation of the most important challenges our world faces today. To understand these issues, we will study the political and economic policies that have affected the Latin American food industry and the social consequences that have arisen as a result.

Textbook: Comida y Cultura en el Mundo Hispánico, Ana M. Gómez-Bravo, Equinox Publishing, 2017

ISBN: 9781781794340
