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Middlebury Bread Loaf School of English
Summer 2015 - BLSE
ENGL Sections
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ENGL 7000A: Poetry Writing
Poetry Workshop
ENGL 7000B: Poetry Writing
Poetry Workshop Humanity
ENGL 7002A: Poetry: Reading for Writing
Poetry Detective Workshop
ENGL 7005A: Fiction Writing
ENGL 7006A: Nonfiction Writing
Creative Nonfiction
ENGL 7006B: Nonfiction Writing
Creative Nonfiction
ENGL 7006C: Nonfiction Writing
Creative Nonfiction
ENGL 7008A: Critical Writing
ENGL 7018A: Playwriting
ENGL 7019A: Writing for Children
ENGL 7117A: Rhetoric's Power Digital Print
ENGL 7123A: Youth Cultures Lit Edu Justice
ENGL 7146A: Language Discourse & Voice
Multilingual Writ PedaPractice
ENGL 7182A: Describing the Imagination
ENGL 7199A: BLoaf/Andover Writing Workshop
ENGL 7203A: The Medieval English Romance
ENGL 7205A: Arthurian Literature
King Arthur Chivalric Romance
ENGL 7247A: "Remember Me" Shakespeare
ENGL 7260A: The Tempest on Page & Stage
Merchant of Venice Page&Stage
ENGL 7261A: Shakespeare across Media
ENGL 7274A: Sex Gender Body Early Mod Lit
ENGL 7290A: Teach Read Enjoy Poetry
ENGL 7290B: Teach Read Enjoy Poetry
Reading Poetry
ENGL 7295A: Milton's Poetry
Milton Bible Culture Violence
ENGL 7301A: Writing Cause 18th-C Briti Lit
Writing Cause 18th-C Brit Lit
ENGL 7308A: Displaced Persons Defoe Conrad
Displaced Persons Defoe Waugh
ENGL 7358A: The Brontes
Interpreting Jane Eyre
ENGL 7385A: Fictions of Finance
ENGL 7390A: Essay and its Vicissitudes
Essay and its Vicissitudes
ENGL 7410A: James Joyce's Ulysses
ENGL 7432A: Modernist Comedy
ENGL 7455A: Fiction of Empire & Breakup
ENGL 7458A: Film as Film
ENGL 7506A: Early Colonial Lit NM New Engl
ENGL 7511A: 1st Century African Amer Lit
Reading Slavery Abolitionism
ENGL 7590A: Hemingway Fitzgerald Faulkner
ENGL 7593A: Nuclear Southwest Lit & Film
ENGL 7620A: Forging Canon: Lesbian/Gay Lit
Latino/a Literature
ENGL 7648A: Literature Civil Rights Movmnt
Race & American Literature
ENGL 7654A: American Fiction since 1945
ENGL 7656A: African Amer Poetry since 1960
ENGL 7670A: Native American Literature
Indigenous Amer Literature
ENGL 7679A: Reading America
ENGL 7682A: Test Subjects Asians Global
ENGL 7714A: Vengeance
ENGL 7753A: 19thC Realist Novel Old & New
ENGL 7755A: Theory, Counter-Theory
ENGL 7789A: Fictional Worlds Italo Calvino
Calvino Stories Essays Letter
ENGL 7807A: Drama in the Classroom
ENGL 7808A: The Poetry of the Theater
ENGL 7811A: Dramaturgy
ENGL 7890A: Independent Summer Project
ENGL 78910: Independent Reading Project
ENGL 7891A: Independent Reading Project
ENGL 7891B: Independent Reading Project
ENGL 7891C: Independent Reading Project
ENGL 7891D: Independent Reading Project
ENGL 7891E: Independent Reading Project
ENGL 7891F: Independent Reading Project
ENGL 7891G: Independent Reading Project
ENGL 7891H: Independent Reading Project
ENGL 7891I: Independent Reading Project
ENGL 7891J: Independent Reading Project
ENGL 7891K: Independent Reading Project
ENGL 7891L: Independent Reading Project
ENGL 7891M: Independent Reading Project
ENGL 7892A: Independent Tutorial
ENGL 7892C: Independent Tutorial
ENGL 7892D: Independent Tutorial
ENGL 7892E: Independent Tutorial
ENGL 7892R: Independent Tutorial
ENGL 7892S: Independent Tutorial
ENGL 78930: Special Topics in Literature
ENGL 7901A: Old English
ENGL 7907A: Chaucer
ENGL 7912A: What was English Renaissance?
ENGL 7917A: Shakespeare's Comedies
ENGL 7921A: British Theater Page to Stage
ENGL 7940A: From Augustan to Romantic
City Country in British Lit
ENGL 7950A: Atlantic Crossings
Atlantic Crossings 1798-1900
ENGL 7975A: James Joyce
ENGL 7980A: Modernist Narrative:Nar Theory
The Modern(ist) Novel
ENGL 7987A: American Novel after 1945
ENGL 7995A: Reinvent Past NeoVictor Return
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