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Middlebury Institute of International Studies
Spring 2023 - MIIS
TICH Sections
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TICH 8521A: Intrm Written Trans to English
TICH 8521B: Intrm Written Trans to English
TICH 8521C: Intrm Written Trans to English
TICH 8521D: Intrm Written Trans to English
TICH 8522A: Intrm Written Trans to Chinese
TICH 8522B: Intrm Written Trans to Chinese
TICH 8522C: Intrm Written Trans to Chinese
TICH 8522D: Intrm Written Trans to Chinese
TICH 8523A: Intrm Sight Trans to English
TICH 8523B: Intrm Sight Trans to English
TICH 8523C: Intrm Sight Trans to English
TICH 8523D: Intrm Sight Trans to English
TICH 8524A: Intrm Sight Trans to Chinese
TICH 8524B: Intrm Sight Trans to Chinese
TICH 8524C: Intrm Sight Trans to Chinese
TICH 8524D: Intrm Sight Trans to Chinese
TICH 8525A: Intrm Intrp-Consc into English
TICH 8525B: Intrm Intrp-Consc into English
TICH 8525C: Intrm Intrp-Consc into English
TICH 8526A: Intrm Intrp-Consc into Chinese
TICH 8526B: Intrm Intrp-Consc into Chinese
TICH 8526C: Intrm Intrp-Consc into Chinese
TICH 8527A: Intrm Intrp-Siml into English
TICH 8527B: Intrm Intrp-Siml into English
TICH 8527C: Intrm Intrp-Siml into English
TICH 8528A: Intrm Intrp-Siml into Chinese
TICH 8528B: Intrm Intrp-Siml into Chinese
TICH 8528C: Intrm Intrp-Siml into Chinese
TICH 8641A: Advanced Trans II to English
TICH 8641B: Advanced Trans II to English
TICH 8641C: Advanced Trans II to English
TICH 8641D: Advanced Trans II to English
TICH 8641E: Advanced Trans II to English
TICH 8642A: Advanced Trans II to Chinese
TICH 8642B: Advanced Trans II to Chinese
TICH 8642C: Advanced Trans II to Chinese
TICH 8642D: Advanced Trans II to Chinese
TICH 8642E: Advanced Trans II to Chinese
TICH 8645A: Adv Intrp II-Consc to English
TICH 8645B: Adv Intrp II-Consc to English
TICH 8645C: Adv Intrp II-Consc to English
TICH 8646A: Adv Intrp II-Consc to Chinese
TICH 8646B: Adv Intrp II-Consc to Chinese
TICH 8646C: Adv Intrp II-Consc to Chinese
TICH 8647A: Adv Intrp II-Siml into English
TICH 8647B: Adv Intrp II-Siml into English
TICH 8647C: Adv Intrp II-Siml into English
TICH 8648A: Adv Intrp II-Siml into Chinese
TICH 8648B: Adv Intrp II-Siml into Chinese
TICH 8648C: Adv Intrp II-Siml into Chinese
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