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Spring 2013
SOAN Sections
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SOAN 2322A: Israeli Identities Cinema & TV
SOAN 2325A: The Israeli Society
SOAN 2326A: Bamiléké's Political Anthro
SOAN 2ALEXA: Direct Enroll:Alexandria Univ
Ethnography of the Arab World
SOAN 2BOPOA: Direct Enroll:Sciences Po Brdx
Political Anthropology
SOAN 2BOR3A: Direct Enroll: Bordeaux III
Historical & Social Anthro
SOAN 2CIIIA: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Spanish Sociology
SOAN 2CIIIB: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Political Sociology
SOAN 2CIIIC: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Statistics Applied to Soc Sci
SOAN 2CIIID: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Social Psychology
SOAN 2FERRA: Direct Enroll: U of Ferrara
General Sociology
SOAN 2FERRB: Direct Enroll: U of Ferrara
Soc of Mass Communications
SOAN 2FLORA: Direct Enroll: U of Florence
Anthro of Cultural Heritage
SOAN 2FUA: Direct Enroll: Freie Univ
Self & Images of the Person
SOAN 2FUB: Direct Enroll: Freie Univ
The Aztecs
SOAN 2JOGUA: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
Medicalization Everyday Life
SOAN 2JOGUB: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
Historiography in Africa
SOAN 2JOGUC: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
Afr Lang Soc & Communication
SOAN 2JOGUD: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
Mediality of Cult-Catastrophes
SOAN 2JOGUE: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
Urban Anthropology
SOAN 2JOGUF: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
Intro to Family Sociology
SOAN 2PAR7A: Direct Enroll: Paris Diderot
Intro Soc & Cultural Anthro
SOAN 2PAR7B: Direct Enroll: Paris Diderot
SOAN 2PAR7C: Direct Enroll: Paris Diderot
Individuals & Social Movements
SOAN 2PAR7D: Direct Enroll: Paris Diderot
Migration & Globalization
SOAN 2PAR7E: Direct Enroll: Paris Diderot
Gender & Socialization
SOAN 2PAR7F: Direct Enroll: Paris Diderot
Sociology of the Family
SOAN 2PAR7G: Direct Enroll: Paris Diderot
Sociology of Inequality
SOAN 2POITA: Direct Enroll: U de Poitiers
Sociology of Health Care
SOAN 2PUCSA: Direct Enroll:Univ Cato Chile
Formation & Devel Lat Amer Soc
SOAN 2REPHA: Direct Enroll: Unv Republica
Introduction to Sociology
SOAN 2ROMEA: Direct Enroll:Univ di Roma
Sociology of Politics
SOAN 2UACHA: Direct Enroll: Univ Austral Ch
Sexualities & Identities
SOAN 2UBAFA: Direct Enroll: UBA Filo & Letr
Migration &Devel Welfare State
SOAN 2UBASA: Direct Enroll:UBA Ciencias Soc
Protests & Collective Actions
SOAN 2UBASB: Direct Enroll:UBA Ciencias Soc
1960-70s Music &Counterculture
SOAN 2UBASC: Direct Enroll:UBA Ciencias Soc
Mental Health in Argentina
SOAN 2UCACA: Direct Enroll:Univ Cato Afriq
African People & Cultures
SOAN 2UCACB: Direct Enroll:Univ Cato Afriq
Gender Anthropology
SOAN 2UCACC: Direct Enroll:Univ Cato Afriq
Sociology of Organizations
SOAN 2UCHA: Direct Enroll: Univ de Chile
Urban Anthropology I
SOAN 2UCHB: Direct Enroll: Univ de Chile
Culture in Chile
SOAN 2UFSCA: Direct Enroll:Univ Fed Santa C
Stats Applied to Social Sci
SOAN 2UFSCB: Direct Enroll:Univ Fed Santa C
Analysis of Profs & Managers
SOAN 2UFSCC: Direct Enroll:Univ Fed Santa C
Identities and Diversities
SOAN 2ULRA: Direct Enroll:Univ de la Rioja
Socio-Educative Intervention
SOAN 2UNTA: Direct Enroll: Univ Tucuman
Aboriginal Peoples
SOAN 2USALA: Direct Enroll: U del Salvador
General Sociology
SOAN 2USALB: Direct Enroll: U del Salvador
Lat Amer & Argentine Folklore
SOAN 2UTDTA: Direct Enroll: U di Tella
Argentinean Cultural Studies
SOAN 2YGPUA: Direct Enroll: Yaro Pedagog U
Sociology of Gender Relations
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