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Fall 2018
PSCI Sections
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PSCI 2310OA: Political Philosophy I
PSCI 2329PA: France and Africa
PSCI 2339FA: France & Europe: (FR)Exit
PSCI 2341SA: European Union
PSCI 2341SB: European Union
PSCI 2362A: Contemp Issues Morocco&No. Afr
PSCI 2418YA: Modern Hist & Contemp Politics
PSCI 2BOPOA: Direct Enroll:Sciences Po Brdx
General Culture Seminar
PSCI 2BOPOB: Direct Enroll:Sciences Po Brdx
Political Studies Seminar
PSCI 2BOPOC: Direct Enroll:Sciences Po Brdx
Contemporary Urban Issues
PSCI 2BOPOD: Direct Enroll:Sciences Po Brdx
French Political Institutions
PSCI 2BOPOE: Direct Enroll:Sciences Po Brdx
Political Sociology
PSCI 2BOPOF: Direct Enroll:Sciences Po Brdx
Theory:Political Communication
PSCI 2BOPOG: Direct Enroll:Sciences Po Brdx
European Institutions
PSCI 2BOPOH: Direct Enroll:Sciences Po Brdx
Electoral Sociology
PSCI 2CIIIB: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Spanish Politics I
PSCI 2FUA: Direct Enroll: Freie Unverstat
European Integration
PSCI 2FUB: Direct Enroll: Freie Unverstat
Body&People Images
PSCI 2FUC: Direct Enroll: Freie Unverstat
Utopia & Gender
PSCI 2FUD: Direct Enroll: Freie Unverstat
PSCI 2FUE: Direct Enroll: Freie Unverstat
FP Analysis&Comparison
PSCI 2ICUB: Direct Enroll:Intl Christian U
Peace and Human Rights
PSCI 2ICUC: Direct Enroll:Intl Christian U
Politics & I.R. in China
PSCI 2JOGUA: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
Memory of Nazi Period
PSCI 2JOGUB: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
Humanitarian Intervention
PSCI 2JOGUC: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
Election Research with Stata
PSCI 2JOGUD: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
PoliticalSystem:GRMN Republic
PSCI 2PAR1A: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Media&Politics of Competition
PSCI 2PAR1B: Direct Enroll: Paris I
International Politics
PSCI 2PAR1C: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Political Theory
PSCI 2PAR1D: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Governing Structures of the EU
PSCI 2PAR1E: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Sociology of Public Opinion
PSCI 2PUCSA: Direct Enroll:Univ Cato Chile
Political Processes in L.A.
PSCI 2PUCSB: Direct Enroll:Univ Cato Chile
Analysis of FP in LA Countries
PSCI 2SCPOA: Direct Enroll: Sciences Po
Political Institutions
PSCI 2SCPOB: Direct Enroll: Sciences Po
Paris and Politics
PSCI 2SCPOC: Direct Enroll: Sciences Po
Constitutional Law:5thRepublic
PSCI 2SCPOD: Direct Enroll: Sciences Po
Places of Power
PSCI 2SCPOE: Direct Enroll: Sciences Po
History in Traumatic Events
PSCI 2SCPOF: Direct Enroll: Sciences Po
Comparative Politics
PSCI 2SCPOG: Direct Enroll: Sciences Po
Power & Society in Middle East
PSCI 2SCPOH: Direct Enroll: Sciences Po
Propoganda & Mass Persuasion
PSCI 2SCPOI: Direct Enroll: Sciences Po
Asia:International Relations
PSCI 2UNCA: Direct Enroll:U Nac de Cordoba
L.American Contemp Problems
PSCI 2UTDTA: Direct Enroll: U di Tella
PSCI 2UTDTB: Direct Enroll: U di Tella
PSCI 2UTDTC: Direct Enroll: U di Tella
US Foreign Policy
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