SPAN 6717A
Art of the Mediterranean
Art of the Mediterranean
The course focuses on the analysis of the artistic representations in three of the most significant countries of the Mediterranean world: Italy, France, and Spain. In this context we will study the work of some of the most representative artists of different styles: the Renaissance of Leonardo and Miguel Ángel, the Baroque of Caravaggio, David's Neoclassicism, the Romanticism of Delacroix, the Realism of Courbet, and the Impressionism of Manet, Renoir, Monet, or Degas, without forgetting the contribution of Spanish painters so significant as Velázquez, Picasso, Miró, or Dalí. Although the chronological period is very wide, from the 15th- to the 20th-century, we will be able to observe an interrelation between the artists of different creative centers and a stylistic continuity that only breaks at the beginning of the 20th-century. (1 unit)
Required Text: Giulio Carlo Agan, Renacimiento y Barroco ed. Akal/Arte y Estética (Madrid, 1999, vols I, II) ISBN: 84-7600-248-3; S.J. Freedberg, Pintura en Italia 1500/1600 (Ediciones Cátedra, Madrid, 1983) ISBN: 84-376-0153-3.
Recommended Texts: Juan Antonio Ramírez (Coord), Historia del Arte ed. Alianza Editorial (Madrid 1999 vol. I; La Edad Moderna ISBN: 84-206-9483-5; vol. II El Mundo Contemporáneo ISBN: 84-206-9484-3; Obra completa ISBN 84-206-9480-0; Robert Rosemblum & H.W. Janson, El Arte del siglo XIX ed. Akal (1984) ISBN: 84460-0035-0; Valeriano Bozal, Arte del siglo XX en España ed. Espasa Calpe (Madrid, 1995) 2 vols. ISBN: 84-239-9600-X.
- Schedule
- 9:00am-10:00am on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (Jul 1, 2010 to Aug 13, 2010)
- Location
- McCardell Bicentennial Hall 161
- Instructors