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Fall 2012
SPAN Sections
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SPAN 2319A: Advanced Spanish Language
SPAN 2319B: Advanced Spanish Language
SPAN 2385A: Span Through Cinema & Fiction
SPAN 2400B: Internship in Uruguay
SPAN 2400AA: Internship in Argentina
SPAN 2400LB: Internship in Chile
SPAN 2400LC: Internship in Chile
SPAN 2400LD: Internship in Chile
SPAN 2401A: Writing:Cult & Linguistic Comp
SPAN 2401AA: Writing:Cult & Linguistic Comp
SPAN 2401AB: Writing:Cult & Linguistic Comp
SPAN 2401LA: Writing:Cult & Linguistic Comp
SPAN 2401LB: Writing:Cult & Linguistic Comp
SPAN 2401LC: Writing:Cult & Linguistic Comp
SPAN 2401LD: Writing:Cult & Linguistic Comp
SPAN 2401LE: Writing:Cult & Linguistic Comp
SPAN 2401MA: Writing:Cult & Linguistic Comp
SPAN 2402A: Undergraduate Seminar
SPAN 2407A: Advanced Spanish Syntax
SPAN 2CIIIA: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
General Linguistics
SPAN 2CIIIB: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Applied Spanish Language
SPAN 2CONCA: Direct Enroll:Univ Concepcion
20C Hispanic American Lit
SPAN 2CORDA: Direct Enroll: Univ de Cordoba
Span-Amer Literary Texts
SPAN 2CORDB: Direct Enroll: Univ de Cordoba
SPAN 2CORDC: Direct Enroll: Univ de Cordoba
Andalucian Dialects in America
SPAN 2CORDD: Direct Enroll: Univ de Cordoba
Essays & Journalistic Prose
SPAN 2CORDE: Direct Enroll: Univ de Cordoba
Advanced Spanish Language
SPAN 2REPHA: Direct Enroll: Unv Republica
Latin American Literature
SPAN 2UACHA: Direct Enroll: Univ Austral Ch
Contemp Lat American Poetry
SPAN 2UACHB: Direct Enroll: Univ Austral Ch
Youth Lit &Reading Stimulation
SPAN 2UACHC: Direct Enroll: Univ Austral Ch
Cultural Identity & Gender
SPAN 2UACHD: Direct Enroll: Univ Austral Ch
Female Chilean Writers
SPAN 2UACHE: Direct Enroll: Univ Austral Ch
Middle Ages to Baroque
SPAN 2UACHF: Direct Enroll: Univ Austral Ch
History & Rewriting
SPAN 2UBAFA: Direct Enroll: UBA Filo & Letr
Latin American Lit I
SPAN 2UBAFB: Direct Enroll: UBA Filo & Letr
Poetry & Translation
SPAN 2UCHA: Direct Enroll: Univ de Chile
Modern Chilean Literature
SPAN 2ULRA: Direct Enroll:Univ de la Rioja
Applied Linguistics
SPAN 2ULRB: Direct Enroll:Univ de la Rioja
Norm & Usage Current Spanish
SPAN 2ULRC: Direct Enroll:Univ de la Rioja
SPAN 2ULRD: Direct Enroll:Univ de la Rioja
Introduction to Spanish Lit
SPAN 2UNCA: Direct Enroll:U Nac de Cordoba
Latin American Literature
SPAN 2UNCB: Direct Enroll:U Nac de Cordoba
Authors from Cordoba
SPAN 2UPLAA: Direct Enroll:Univ Playa Ancha
Lyric & Dramatic Discourse
SPAN 2UPLAB: Direct Enroll:Univ Playa Ancha
Modern Hisp Amer & Chilean Lit
SPAN 2USALA: Direct Enroll: U del Salvador
Argentinean Lit
SPAN 2USALB: Direct Enroll: U del Salvador
Ibero-American Literature
SPAN 2USALC: Direct Enroll: U del Salvador
Spanish Lit III
SPAN 5502A: Latin American Narrative
SPAN 5503A: Grammar Sp: Fundamental Probs
SPAN 5507A: Oral Expression in Spanish
SPAN 5519A: The Subjunctive
SPAN 5529A: Art in Museums of Madrid:Prado
SPAN 5536A: Cultural Images of Spain
SPAN 5561A: Classical Works: Spain
SPAN 5607A: Written Communication in SP
SPAN 5610A: Phonetics and Pronounciation
SPAN 5700B: Independent Study
SPAN 5700C: Independent Study
SPAN 5700D: Independent Study
SPAN 5764A: Contemp L/A Short Story
SPAN 5767A: Ideology & Comp of Quijote
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