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Spring 2015
HIST Sections
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HIST 2330A: History of the First World War
HIST 2331OA: Chivalry and Courtly Love
HIST 2332OA: Cathedrals, Cloisters,Churches
HIST 2348SA: The European Union
HIST 2410OA: No Taxation w/o Representation
HIST 2426A: History of Cameroon & Africa
HIST 2430OA: Reign of Henry VIII
HIST 2BOMOA: Direct Enroll:U Bord Montaigne
Conquistadors & Pre-Columbia
HIST 2BOMOB: Direct Enroll:U Bord Montaigne
The World Since the 1970's
HIST 2BOPOA: Direct Enroll:Sciences Po Brdx
19-20C French Political Hist
HIST 2CATOA: Direct Enroll: Univ Catolica
Contemp Political & Social His
HIST 2CIIIA: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Silver Age in Spanish Culture
HIST 2CIIIB: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Spain in the 20C
HIST 2CIIIC: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Europe & USA in Interwar Years
HIST 2CORDA: Direct Enroll: Univ de Cordoba
History of Near East & Egypt
HIST 2FLORA: Direct Enroll: U of Florence
Modern History
HIST 2FUA: Direct Enroll: Freie Univ
WWII in Poland
HIST 2FUB: Direct Enroll: Freie Univ
Interrelig Contacts Middle Age
HIST 2FUC: Direct Enroll: Freie Univ
Western Europe 1945-1989
HIST 2HSEA: Direct Enroll:Higher Sch Econ
Hist of Islamic Civilization
HIST 2IGUA: Direct Enroll: Irkutsk State U
History of Russia before 20C
HIST 2IGUB: Direct Enroll: Irkutsk State U
History of Asia and Africa
HIST 2JOGUA: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
US Military in Germany
HIST 2JOGUB: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
WWI at Other Fronts
HIST 2JOGUC: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
The Rhine- History in a River
HIST 2JOGUG: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
Old-Egyptian Book of the Dead
HIST 2ORTA: Direct Enroll: Universidad ORT
Contemp Latin American History
HIST 2PAR1A: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Hist Globalization in 20C
HIST 2PAR1B: Direct Enroll: Paris I
History of Int'l Relations
HIST 2PAR1C: Direct Enroll: Paris I
20C Hist Econ & Soc Inequality
HIST 2PAR1D: Direct Enroll: Paris I
20C Social History
HIST 2PAR1E: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Contemp Hist of Central Europe
HIST 2PAR1F: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Contemp Hist of Hispanic World
HIST 2PAR1G: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Contemporary History of Asia
HIST 2PAR1H: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Contemporary History of Russia
HIST 2PAR1I: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Germany, France, and WWII
HIST 2PAR1J: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Private Law in Ancien RĂ©gime
HIST 2PAR1K: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Hist of the French Revolution
HIST 2PAR7A: Direct Enroll: Paris Diderot
Latin America &Iberian Empires
HIST 2PAR7B: Direct Enroll: Paris Diderot
History of Urbanism & the City
HIST 2PUCSA: Direct Enroll:Univ Cato Chile
Indigenous Chile & America
HIST 2PUCSB: Direct Enroll:Univ Cato Chile
19C History of America & Chile
HIST 2PUCSC: Direct Enroll:Univ Cato Chile
Civil Wars after the Cold War
HIST 2PUCSD: Direct Enroll:Univ Cato Chile
Women & Soc in Chile 19-20C
HIST 2PUCSE: Direct Enroll:Univ Cato Chile
19C History of America & Chile
HIST 2PUCVA: Direct Enroll: Pont U Cato Val
History of Contemporary Chile
HIST 2RGGUA: Direct Enroll: Russian State U
History of the USA
HIST 2RGGUB: Direct Enroll: Russian State U
History Russian Foreign Policy
HIST 2SSCA: Direct Enroll: St. Stephen's
History of Medieval Delhi
HIST 2UBAFA: Direct Enroll: UBA Filo & Letr
Latin American History III
HIST 2UBAFB: Direct Enroll: UBA Filo & Letr
Latin American Revolutions
HIST 2UBASA: Direct Enroll:UBA Ciencias Soc
The First Peronist Decade
HIST 2UBASB: Direct Enroll:UBA Ciencias Soc
Argentinean Social History
HIST 2UCAA: Direct Enroll: Univ Cato Arg
20C Argentine History
HIST 2UCHA: Direct Enroll: Univ de Chile
Gender & Eros Ancient Mid East
HIST 2UCHB: Direct Enroll: Univ de Chile
Ideologies about Crime
HIST 2UFFA: Direct Enroll:Univ Fed Flmnse
History of Brazil III
HIST 2UFFB: Direct Enroll:Univ Fed Flmnse
History and Cinema
HIST 2UFSCA: Direct Enroll:Univ Fed Santa C
Modern History
HIST 2ULRA: Direct Enroll:Univ de la Rioja
Modern History II
HIST 2ULRB: Direct Enroll:Univ de la Rioja
Medieval Spanish History
HIST 2UTDTA: Direct Enroll: U di Tella
Latin Amer Hist Lit & Culture
HIST 2YGPUA: Direct Enroll: Yaro Pedagog U
18-19C Russian History
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