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Spring 2017
HIST Sections
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HIST 2215OA: Christianity&Warfare: Mid Ages
HIST 2321MA: Hist. of Maghreb & Al-Andalus
HIST 2330A: History of the First World War
HIST 2340OA: Magic and the Occult
HIST 2343FA: Contemp Hist of Central Europe
HIST 2348A: European Union
HIST 2348SA: The European Union
HIST 2426A: History of Cameroon & Africa
HIST 2426FA: History;Subsaharan Africa II
HIST 2427FA: Contemp. History of Russia II
HIST 2440YA: FP of USSR in Europe 1933-41
HIST 2444A: French Kings from 5-17C
HIST 2450MA: Russian History: XX Century
HIST 2459A: Moscow:Russian Culture & Hist
HIST 2BOMOA: Direct Enroll:U Bord Montaigne
The Left in Europe,19th-21stC
HIST 2BOMOB: Direct Enroll:U Bord Montaigne
Dict, Fasc,Totalit. 1914-45
HIST 2BOMOC: Direct Enroll:U Bord Montaigne
Modern FR Society, 16th-18th C
HIST 2BOMOD: Direct Enroll:U Bord Montaigne
Modern History, Methodology
HIST 2BOMOE: Direct Enroll:U Bord Montaigne
Mod Soc,Occidental Eur 17-18C
HIST 2CATOA: Direct Enroll: Univ Catolica
Contemp Social&Linguistic Hist
HIST 2CIIIA: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
History of Spain 1808-1939
HIST 2CIIIB: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Contemporary Intern'l Relation
HIST 2CIIIC: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Spanish Civil War
HIST 2CIIID: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Age of Globalization
HIST 2CIIIE: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Political Violence 1808-2011
HIST 2CIIIF: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Medieval History
HIST 2CIIIG: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
History of Terrorism
HIST 2CORDA: Direct Enroll: Univ de Cordoba
History of Spain 1808-1939
HIST 2CORDB: Direct Enroll: Univ de Cordoba
Spanish History, 1939-present
HIST 2CORDC: Direct Enroll: Univ de Cordoba
History of Spain, XV-XX C.
HIST 2CORDD: Direct Enroll: Univ de Cordoba
Cont. Hist. of L.A. XIX-XX C.
HIST 2CORDE: Direct Enroll: Univ de Cordoba
Spanish Emp., Amer/Phillipines
HIST 2CORDF: Direct Enroll: Univ de Cordoba
Concepts&Methods in Archeology
HIST 2FLORA: Direct Enroll: U of Florence
History of Modern Europe
HIST 2FLORB: Direct Enroll: U of Florence
Roman History
HIST 2FUA: Direct Enroll: Freie Univ
Holocaust in E & W Europe
HIST 2ICUA: Direct Enroll:Intl Christian U
History of the Middle East
HIST 2JOGUA: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
Aryanization in Nat. Socialism
HIST 2JOGUB: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
Roman Thermal Baths
HIST 2JOGUC: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
Early Urbanism, Mesopotamia
HIST 2JOGUD: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
The Bismark Empire
HIST 2JOGUE: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
Germany&National Socialism
HIST 2JOGUF: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
The Hundred Years' War
HIST 2JOGUG: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
Communist Life Paths: Romania
HIST 2LSRA: Direct Enroll:Lady Shri Ram
History of India: 1857-1950
HIST 2PAR1A: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Mod GRMN & Cent. Euro. Hist.
HIST 2PAR1B: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Private Law in the Old Regime
HIST 2PAR1C: Direct Enroll: Paris I
20th Century Social History
HIST 2PAR1D: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Pol&Soc Hist, Contemp Society
HIST 2PAR1E: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Hist of Econ&Soc Globalization
HIST 2PAR1F: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Contemp History of Russia
HIST 2PAR1G: Direct Enroll: Paris I
History of the Dark Ages
HIST 2PAR1H: Direct Enroll: Paris I
History; French Revolution
HIST 2PAR1I: Direct Enroll: Paris I
History of the Arab World
HIST 2PAR1J: Direct Enroll: Paris I
19&20th C,War,Politics,Society
HIST 2PAR1K: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Contempory Hist of W. Europe
HIST 2PAR1L: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Coloniz.&Revolut.;Mod America
HIST 2PAR1M: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Hist of Sub-Saharan Africa
HIST 2PAR1N: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Contemp Hist of Central Europe
HIST 2PAR1O: Direct Enroll: Paris I
History:Subsaharan Africa II
HIST 2PAR1P: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Contemp History of Russia II
HIST 2PAR3A: Direct Enroll: Paris III
European Social Space
HIST 2PAR3B: Direct Enroll: Paris III
Discussion, European History
HIST 2PAR3C: Direct Enroll: Paris III
European Integration History
HIST 2PAR3D: Direct Enroll: Paris III
19th Century Revolutions
HIST 2PAR3E: Direct Enroll: Paris III
Sociolog. Study;Contem France
HIST 2PAR7A: Direct Enroll: Paris Diderot
Atlantic Migrations&Movement
HIST 2PAR7B: Direct Enroll: Paris Diderot
Contemp.Islam&the Mediteranean
HIST 2POIT A: Direct Enroll: U de Poitiers
Political Life in 17th&18th C.
HIST 2PUCBC: Direct Enroll:PUC Catolica MG
Iberic History
HIST 2PUCVA: Direct Enroll: Pont U Cato Val
History of Chile
HIST 2PUCVB: Direct Enroll: Pont U Cato Val
The Communist Critique
HIST 2PUCVC: Direct Enroll: Pont U Cato Val
Discovery & Conquest:15C-17C
HIST 2REPHA: Direct Enroll: Univ Republica
Latin American History III
HIST 2SCPOA: Direct Enroll: Sciences Po
20th Century Empires
HIST 2SCPOB: Direct Enroll: Sciences Po
Geopolitics of Lusophone World
HIST 2SSCA: Direct Enroll: St. Stephen's
History of India: 1857-1950
HIST 2UACHA: Direct Enroll: Univ Austral Ch
Medieval World
HIST 2UACHB: Direct Enroll: Univ Austral Ch
Pre-Columbian America
HIST 2UACHC: Direct Enroll: Univ Austral Ch
History of 20C Latin America
HIST 2UAHA: DirectEnroll:U Alberto Hurtado
Soc & Political Lat Amer Hist
HIST 2UAMA: Direct Enroll: Univ Autonoma M
Europe&US; Internat'l System
HIST 2UAMB: Direct Enroll: Univ Autonoma M
Al-Andalus & Islamic Wrld
HIST 2UBAFA: Direct Enroll: UBA Filo & Letr
Industrialization in Argentina
HIST 2UBASA: Direct Enroll:UBA Ciencias Soc
Latin American Social History
HIST 2UCHA: Direct Enroll: Univ de Chile
Social History of Chile
HIST 2UFSCA: Direct Enroll:Univ Fed Santa C
History of Republican Brazil
HIST 2UPLAA: Direct Enroll:Univ Playa Ancha
Soc & Econ Hist Chile &America
HIST 2YGPUA: Direct Enroll: Yaro Pedagog U
History of Yaroslavl Region
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