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Fall 2017
SPAN Sections
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SPAN 2319A: Advanced Span. Communication I
SPAN 2319B: Advanced Span. Communication I
SPAN 2400B: Internship in Uruguay
SPAN 2401A: Writing:Cult & Linguistic Comp
SPAN 2401B: Writing:Cult & Linguistic Comp
SPAN 2401LA: Writing:Cult & Linguistic Comp
SPAN 2401LB: Writing:Cult & Linguistic Comp
SPAN 2401LC: Writing:Cult & Linguistic Comp
SPAN 2401LD: Writing:Cult & Linguistic Comp
SPAN 2401LE: Writing:Cult & Linguistic Comp
SPAN 2401LF: Writing:Cult & Linguistic Comp
SPAN 2407A: Advanced Spanish Syntax
SPAN 2407B: Advanced Spanish Syntax
SPAN 2407C: Advanced Spanish Syntax
SPAN 2411A: Superior Spanish Syntax
SPAN 2411B: Superior Spanish Syntax
SPAN 2499A: Independent Study
SPAN 2499B: Independent Study
SPAN 2499C: Independent Study
SPAN 2499D: Independent Study
SPAN 2CIIIA: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Images of Spanish Civil War
SPAN 2CIIIB: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Writing & Communication Skills
SPAN 2CIIIC: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Span Cult Splendor: 1898-1939
SPAN 2CIIID: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Spanish Language
SPAN 2CONCA: Direct Enroll:Univ Concepcion
Chilean Poetry
SPAN 2CONCB: Direct Enroll:Univ Concepcion
Political History of Chile
SPAN 2CORDA: Direct Enroll: Univ de Cordoba
Spanish Lang&New Technologies
SPAN 2CORDB: Direct Enroll: Univ de Cordoba
Lit. Criticism:Hispanic Texts
SPAN 2FHCEA: Direct Enroll:FHUCE
Uruguayan on Afro-Amer Lit
SPAN 2FHCEB: Direct Enroll:FHUCE
Uruguayan Literature
SPAN 2PUCVA: Direct Enroll: Pont U Cato Val
Formation of Hispanic Lit&Cul
SPAN 2PUCVB: Direct Enroll: Pont U Cato Val
Formation:HispanicAmerican Lit
SPAN 2PUCVC: Direct Enroll: Pont U Cato Val
Literature and Ancient World
SPAN 2UAIA: Direct Enroll: Univ A. Ibanez
Marketing I
SPAN 2UAIB: Direct Enroll: Univ A. Ibanez
Innovation Workshop
SPAN 2UAMA: Direct Enroll: Univ Autonoma M
Spanish Language in the World
SPAN 2UBAFB: Direct Enroll: UBA Filo & Letr
Problems in LatAmer Literature
SPAN 2UBAFC: Direct Enroll: UBA Filo & Letr
Non-Fiction CreativeLiterature
SPAN 2UNABA: Direct Enroll:Unv Andres Bello
Contemporary Chilean&L.A. Lit
SPAN 2UPLAA: Direct Enroll:Univ Playa Ancha
Literary Expression Workshop
SPAN 2UTDTA: Direct Enroll: U di Tella
Argentinean Literature
SPAN 5519A: The Subjunctive
SPAN 5529A: Art in Museums of Madrid:Prado
SPAN 5607A: Written Communication in SP
SPAN 5610A: Phonetics and Pronounciation
SPAN 5630A: Spanish Anthropology
SPAN 5688A: Fantasy Narrative in Lat Amer
SPAN 5700A: Independent Study
SPAN 5766A: Women in Lat Amer Narrative
SPAN 5767A: Ideology & Comp of Quijote
SPAN 5UAMA: Direct Enroll: Univ Autonoma M
L.A.:Contemp Intnl System
SPAN 5UAMB: Direct Enroll: Univ Autonoma M
Teaching Grammar,Vocab,Pronunc
SPAN 5UAMC: Direct Enroll: Univ Autonoma M
SpanishAmerican Poetry&Poetics
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