Stylistics: Techniques of Composition and Interpretation

The aim of this course is to help the students to find their own Italian voice while speaking and writing in Italian. This endeavor requires daily practice and a particular attention to problems of stylistics. Through the analysis of different language sectors (i.e. journalism, business, sports, contemporary jargon) in class, the students will gain a better understanding of the Italian language in its various uses. Assignments will include translations, linguistic exercises, descriptions, narrations, summaries, essay writing, book reviews and oral presentations.

Required Text: L. Craici, Parlare e Scrivere Vallardi 2007, M. Sassu Frescura, Interferenze lessicali italiano-inglese. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (1984).

Recommended Texts: N. Zingarelli, Vocabolario della lingua italiana. Bologna: Zanichelli (latest edition); Harper Collins Sansoni Italian Dictionary. Inglese-Italiano, Italiano-Inglese. Firenze: Sansoni (latest edition).

Additional reading materials will be provided by the instructor.

8:00am-8:50am on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (Jul 1, 2010 to Aug 13, 2010)
Freeman HAM