This course examines the poetry of 20th- and 21st-century women writers from the Spanish-speaking Americas and the Caribbean. What do we discern when we are attuned to female poetic voices? To approach this question, we will look at key issues intersectionally. These include motherhood, race, social commitment, sexualities, migration and displacement, and identity. To complement our analysis of poetic language, we will also read essays by some of the poets. Poets will be chosen from among the following: Claribel Alegría, Giaconda Belli, Julia de Burgos, Shirley Campbell, Rosario Castellanos, Gabriela Mistral, Nancy Morejón, Cristina Peri-Rossi, Alejandra Pizarnik, Mayra Santos-Febres, Alfonsina Storni, Chiqui Vicioso, and Cecilia Vicuña. (1unit)

Required text: Electronic material provided at Middlebury.

12:00pm-12:50pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (Jul 5, 2018 to Aug 17, 2018)
Axinn Center 103