The Islamic Tradition WT

This is a historical and thematic introduction to the Islamic tradition and the worldwide Muslim community, with a special emphasis on the medieval period. Stressing sources, doctrines, religious institutions and practices, topics will include: Arabia and the Near East before Islam; the life and times of Prophet Muhammad; the Qur'an, Islam's scripture; the spread of Islam and the formation of Islamic identities; the development of the traditions of Hadith and Shariah; the major sects, schools of law and theology including Mu'tazila, Sunna, Shi'a, and the mystical movement (Sufism); the diversity in Islamic beliefs and practice; art and architecture; and the intricate relation between religion and politics in shaping religious doctrines. 3 hrs. lect., 1 hr. disc.

8:00am-9:15am on Tuesday, Thursday (Sep 7, 2009 to Dec 4, 2009)
Gifford LCT