Solar Decathlon 2011 - Design Development and Building Systems Integration

The Solar Decathlon is a competition sponsored by the United States Department of Energy to design and construct a solar-powered house. Middlebury College has committed to fielding a team for the 2011 competition. The course will continue the efforts made in Winter Term to develop a schematic design and solar powering strategy for the SD House. Students will take the project through the design development phase, incorporating and integrating building systems strategies with architectural design elements. Students will explore both passive and active building systems strategies for the design and construction of a net-zero energy house. Students will research and learn about building envelope, daylighting, mechanical systems, rainwater capture, and more. The result of this course will be a set of developed drawings and models, explaining both qualitatively and quantitatively the building and its systems. At the culmination of this class, students will formally present the development of Middlebury's SD 2011 house to guest professionals, faculty, staff, and fellow students. (Approval required; At least one of the following: HARC 0130; HARC 0231; INTD 1098; INTD 1099)

1:30pm-4:15pm on Tuesday, Thursday (Feb 8, 2010 to May 10, 2010)
McCardell Bicentennial Hall 503