The Civil Rights Revolution

A study of the quest for a more inclusive American polity in the twentieth century. The modern civil rights movement is the central focus, but this course offers more than a survey of events from Montgomery to Memphis. It explores the pre-World War II roots of the modern black freedom struggle, the impact of the heroic phase of the civil rights movement, and the ambiguous developments since 1970. This course employs a "race relations" perspective, stressing the linkages among the experiences of African Americans, whites, and other groups. 2 hrs. lect., 1 hr. disc.

9:05am-9:55am on Monday, Wednesday at LIB 201 (Sep 8, 2014 to Dec 5, 2014)
7:30pm-9:30pm on Tuesday at AXN 100 (Sep 8, 2014 to Dec 5, 2014)
Library 201