American Drama 1930-1960 (AL)

The 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s saw an unparalleled achievement in dramatic literature as the works of Eugene O'Neill, Lillian Hellman, Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, and William Inge were produced. This course will seek to analyze their plays both as dramatic art and in some cases as responses to social and political context. We will study film versions of the plays, as well as additional films that respond to themes in the plays, films such as High Noon and On the Waterfront. 3 hrs. lect./disc.

11:15am-12:05pm on Monday, Wednesday, Friday at AXN 220 (Sep 16, 2015 to Dec 11, 2015)
7:30pm-10:25pm on Tuesday at SDL 110 (Sep 16, 2015 to Dec 11, 2015)
Axinn Center 220