Fate, Filial Piety, and Passion in Chinese Civilization

In this seminar we will study the history of the ideas of ming (fate), xiao (filial piety), and qing (passion) in Chinese civilization. The meanings of these terms have evolved over two thousand years, but the notions of ming (one’s allotment in life), xiao (one’s duty to one’s parents), and qing (one’s sentiments or passions) have retained their central importance in China. We will discuss works of history, philosophy, literature, and film, as we consider ways in which people in the Chinese-speaking world have used these terms to express their ideas about the meaning of life and what it means to be human. 3 hrs. sem.

10:10am-11:00am on Monday, Wednesday, Friday (Feb 15, 2016 to May 16, 2016)
Adirondack House CLT