BIOL 0310A
The microbiological principles emphasized in this class will provide students with a foundation for advanced study in many areas of contemporary biology. The course will integrate basic and applied aspects of microbiology into a study of the prokaryotic microorganisms. General principles of bacterial cell structure, function, and the role of microorganisms in industry, agriculture, biotechnology, and disease will be discussed. An independent laboratory project will stress basic microbiological techniques as applied to the isolation, characterization, and identification of microorganisms from the natural environment. (BIOL 0140 and BIOL 0145 and CHEM 0203) 3 hrs. lect./4 hrs. lab./1 hr. prelab.
- Schedule
- 11:15am-12:05pm on Monday, Wednesday, Friday (Sep 12, 2016 to Dec 9, 2016)
- Location
- McCardell Bicentennial Hall 104
- Instructors
Spatafora, Grace