Middlebury's Foodprint: Introduction to Food Systems Issues

Food systems encompass all activities, people and institutions determining movement of food from input supply and production (on land and water) through waste management. The dominant U.S. food system is responsible at least in part for some of the nation’s most troubling environmental and health challenges. What do we eat at Middlebury? What difference does it make? How do we know? We'll read Chase & Grubinger's Food, Farms, and Community: Exploring Food Systems (2015), then dive into examining impacts of how Middlebury sources and consumes its food, and disposes of food waste. (BIOL 0140 recommended) 3 hrs. lect./disc.

12:15pm-1:30pm on Monday, Wednesday (Sep 11, 2017 to Dec 8, 2017)
Warner Hall 207