Capital Markets

This course surveys and analyzes the instruments traded in modern asset markets, the mechanisms that facilitate their trading and issuance, as well as, the motivations of issuers and investors across different asset classes. The course will balance functional and institutional perspectives by highlighting the problems market participants are seeking to solve, as well as the existing asset markets that have arisen to accomplish these goals. We will consider the nature of structure of asset markets, and the design, issuance, and pricing of financial instruments, focusing on how arbitrage strategies keep their prices in-line with one another. Recommended: INTD 0116 (formally INTD 316), and INTD 0217, (formally INTD 31)7. Students who have not takenINTD 0116 (INTD 316) and INTD 0217 (INTD 317) will be required to demonstrate basic proficiency in accounting and introductory finance. 3 hrs. lect./disc

3:00pm-4:15pm on Tuesday, Thursday (Sep 11, 2018 to Dec 7, 2018)
Axinn Center 103