ENVS 0112Y: Natural Science & Environment Natural Science & Env Lab
Natural Science and the Environment
We will explore in detail a series of current environmental issues in order to learn how principles of biology, chemistry, geology, and physics, as well as interdisciplinary scientific approaches, help us to identify and understand challenges to environmental sustainability. In lecture, we will examine global environmental issues, including climate change, water and energy resources, biodiversity and ecosystem services, human population growth, and world food production, as well as the application of science in forging effective, sustainable solutions. In the laboratory and field, we will explore local manifestations of global issues via experiential and hands-on approaches. 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab. (By Approval)
- Schedule
- 1:30pm-4:15pm on Thursday (Sep 11, 2023 to Dec 11, 2023)
- Location
- McCardell Bicentennial Hall 311
- Instructors
Lapin, Marc