ECON 0702C
Senior Research Workshop II
Senior Research Workshop II
In this second semester of the senior research workshop sequence, the focus is on the execution of the research plan developed in ECON 0701. Most instruction is now one-on-one but the workshop will still meet as a group to discuss and practice the presentation of results in various formats (seminars, poster sessions, et cetera) to the rest of the workshop and others in the college and broader communities. Feedback and critiques from such presentations will be incorporated into the project, which will culminate in a research paper in the style of an economics journal article. (ECON 0701; Approval required)
- Schedule
- 7:30pm-10:25pm on Wednesday (Feb 9, 2026 to May 11, 2026)
- Location
- 75 Shannon Street 206
- Instructors
Maluccio, John