The Monterey Institute Conservation Leadership Practicum's mission is to provide conservation projects world-wide with students and professionals trained in relevant and practical skills for successful environmental project management and leadership. The two weeks are divided into ten key skill areas taught by Monterey Institute professor Jeffrey Langholz and leading local and global conservation practitioners. CLP trainers are qualified professionals in the field from such organizations as Foundations of Success, Pact, Elkhorn Slough Foundation, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Big Sur Land Trust. The first week of the training will cover leadership in project design. The course will cover the Conservation Project Cycle, comprehensive site assessment tools, management plans, and project monitoring and evaluation. The second week of the training will cover how to build project teams, financial management for conservation leaders, leadership ethics, conflict resolution, and effective outreach and media relations. Assignments will include a team conceptual model presentation, team management plan, budgeting exercise, media deliverable, self-assessment, and class participation. Students may elect to complete an additional 2-unit directed study course that expands on a project started during the CLP training under the supervision and guidance of Prof. Langholz.

9:00am-5:00pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (Jan 10, 2011 to Jan 21, 2011)
Morse B104