The course will focus on the techniques of cross-cultural training. It is designed for persons who may be doing some intercultural traiing as part of their future careers. During the first weekend, many practical examples of methods of cross-cultural training will be explained and practiced:

ice breakers, lectures, simulations, role playing, critical incidents, use of video, etc. A panel of Peace Corps returned volunteers and trainers will speak on Peace Corps training as will a professor who who is an expert on ethnic conflict. Students will then develop their own cross-cultural training projects or orientations and present them to the class during the following weekend. The clas will act as a "collective prfessor" and critique the projects. The course is designed to be useful, not only to IPS students, (especially those planning to work in the field of conflict resolution or work for NGOs) but also to TESOL and MBA students. An example of a project would be a design for an orientation for Chinese students coming to America on an exchange program.

9:00am-2:00pm on Sunday at MRSE B206 (Feb 13, 2011 to Feb 13, 2011)
9:00am-2:00pm on Sunday at MRSE B206 (Feb 20, 2011 to Feb 20, 2011)
9:00am-5:00pm on Saturday at MRSE B206 (Feb 12, 2011 to Feb 12, 2011)
9:00am-5:00pm on Saturday at MRSE B206 (Feb 19, 2011 to Feb 19, 2011)
6:00pm-9:00pm on Friday at MRSE B206 (Feb 18, 2011 to Feb 18, 2011)
6:00pm-9:00pm on Friday at MRSE B206 (Feb 11, 2011 to Feb 11, 2011)
Morse B206