MBAG 8633A
Integrated Fin&SustainReportng
Students will learn about how social and environmental impacts can be integrated in financial reporting using the International Integrated Reporting Framework’s (IIRF) focus on driving long term business value. This course will explore how ‘integrated reporting’ can educate companies about the ecosystem they are operating in, what their competitive threats are, and how technology and other innovations are impacting their business.
Based on a case study we will demonstrate how environmental, social and economic returns will create value for companies and society at large in terms of economic development and social and environmental justice. We will consider direct benefits for companies and indirect benefits for stakeholders and the use of quantitative indicators, such as monetized metrics, that can be used for internal and external corporate reporting purposes such as Annual, Integrated and Sustainability Reports. Students will also learn how materiality will be applied that gives equal consideration to both positive and negative performance.
As future business leaders, students will learn how this strategic business framework can transform today’s culture of quarterly earnings hysteria to long-term value creation.
- Schedule
- 9:00am-3:00pm on Sunday at MGWN MG100 (Sep 18, 2016 to Sep 18, 2016)
9:00am-3:00pm on Sunday at MGWN MG102 (Oct 16, 2016 to Oct 16, 2016)
9:00am-5:00pm on Saturday at MGWN MG100 (Sep 17, 2016 to Sep 17, 2016)
9:00am-5:00pm on Saturday at MGWN MG102 (Oct 15, 2016 to Oct 15, 2016)
9:00am-5:30pm on Sunday, Saturday at MGWN MG100 (Oct 1, 2016 to Oct 2, 2016)
6:00pm-9:00pm on Friday at MGWN MG100 (Sep 16, 2016 to Sep 16, 2016)
6:00pm-9:00pm on Friday at MGWN MG102 (Oct 14, 2016 to Oct 14, 2016) - Location
- McGowan MG100
- Instructors