In a rapidly changing world where the environment is being compromised at an alarming rate, we need programs and people to lead in developing actionable solutions, inclusive and effective policies, and broad engagement towards a more sustainable future. We need to inspire and enable people to lead effective change. Who are those leaders? What are the qualities of a leader? What does it mean to lead? How do we build effective collaborations to achieve goals? This course tackles these and other questions as we explore diverse levels of environmental leadership in diverse settings, from the community to the global level. We will use case studies, scenario building, readings, guest speakers and personal leadership and working style strength assessments to build a practical understanding of environmental leadership at the personal, team and project/initiative level. This course will empower participants to think differently about leadership, and will provide them with tools to develop their own leadership strengths.

10:00am-11:50am on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at MRSE B106 (Jan 16, 2023 to Jan 27, 2023)
1:00pm-2:50pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at MRSE B106 (Jan 16, 2023 to Jan 27, 2023)
Morse B106