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Spring 2018
HIST Sections
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HIST 2215OA: Christianity&Warfare: Mid Ages
Christianity & Warfare
HIST 2323OA: Tudor World
HIST 2330A: History of the First World War
HIST 2338A: French Renaissance Monarchy
HIST 2348A: European Union
HIST 2426CA: Africa in Minature
HIST 2440YA: FP of USSR in Europe 1933-41
HIST 2447MA: Russian:17thC-Beginning 20thC
Russia:17thC - Beginning 20thC
HIST 2459A: Moscow:Russian Culture & Hist
HIST 2BOMOA: Direct Enroll:U Bord Montaigne
16th-18th French Society
HIST 2BOMOB: Direct Enroll:U Bord Montaigne
Dictatorships & Fascism
HIST 2BOMOC: Direct Enroll:U Bord Montaigne
HIST 2BOPOA: Direct Enroll:Sciences Po Brdx
French Political History
HIST 2CIIIA: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
History of Terrorism
HIST 2CIIIB: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
Witnessing with Images
HIST 2CIIIC: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
History of INTL Relations
HIST 2CIIID: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
The Age of Globalization
HIST 2CIIIE: Direct Enroll: Univ Carlos III
History of Journalism
HIST 2CORDA: Direct Enroll: Univ de Cordoba
Current Spanish History
HIST 2CORDB: Direct Enroll: Univ de Cordoba
History of the USA
HIST 2CORDC: Direct Enroll: Univ de Cordoba
History of Al-Andalus
HIST 2FHCEA: Direct Enroll:FHUCE
Latin American History
HIST 2FUA: Direct Enroll: Freie Univ
HIST 2FUB: Direct Enroll: Freie Univ
Hist:Migration in FRG1949-90
HIST 2FUC: Direct Enroll: Freie Univ
Food in the Ancient World
HIST 2FUD: Direct Enroll: Freie Univ
HIST 2ICUA: Direct Enroll:Intl Christian U
Colloquium in Asian History
HIST 2JOGUA: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
Introduction to Newer History
HIST 2JOGUB: Direct Enroll: Johannes Gut-U
The American Revolution
HIST 2LSRA: Direct Enroll:Lady Shri Ram
Indian Art & Architecture
HIST 2ORTA: Direct Enroll: Universidad ORT
Contemporary Lat.Amer. History
HIST 2PAR1A: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Mod Hist:Germany&CentralEurope
HIST 2PAR1B: Direct Enroll: Paris I
20th Century Social History
HIST 2PAR1C: Direct Enroll: Paris I
ContemporaryHist:Latin America
HIST 2PAR1D: Direct Enroll: Paris I
History of French Revolution
HIST 2PAR1E: Direct Enroll: Paris I
History of the Roman Republic
HIST 2PAR1F: Direct Enroll: Paris I
War,Politics,Society: 19-20thC
HIST 2PAR1G: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Cult&Pol Hist:Contemp Society
HIST 2PAR1H: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Contemporary Econ&Soc History
HIST 2PAR1I: Direct Enroll: Paris I
History: Byzantine Empire
HIST 2PAR1J: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Contemporary Hist of Russia II
HIST 2PAR1K: Direct Enroll: Paris I
20th C Social History II
HIST 2PAR1L: Direct Enroll: Paris I
Contemporary History of Asia
HIST 2PAR7A: Direct Enroll: Paris Diderot
History of Sub-Saharan Africa
HIST 2PAR7B: Direct Enroll: Paris Diderot
20th C. History 1914-1945
HIST 2POITA: Direct Enroll: U de Poitiers
France & The French-18th C.
HIST 2POITB: Direct Enroll: U de Poitiers
Political Life:France:17-18thC
HIST 2PUCVA: Direct Enroll: Pont U Cato Val
History of Universal Art
HIST 2SCPOA: Direct Enroll: Sciences Po
History of 20th C. Empires
HIST 2SCPOB: Direct Enroll: Sciences Po
Political History:20thC Europe
HIST 2UACHA: Direct Enroll: Univ Austral Ch
Latin America in 19th Century
HIST 2UACHB: Direct Enroll: Univ Austral Ch
Latin America Today
HIST 2UACHC: Direct Enroll: Univ Austral Ch
Recent Chile
HIST 2UAHA: DirectEnroll:U Alberto Hurtado
HIST 2UAIA: Direct Enroll: Univ A. Ibanez
The 20th Century in Chile
HIST 2UAMA: Direct Enroll: Univ Autonoma M
Genesis of Medieval Iberia
HIST 2UAMB: Direct Enroll: Univ Autonoma M
HIST 2UAMC: Direct Enroll: Univ Autonoma M
Late Prehistory
HIST 2UBAFA: Direct Enroll: UBA Filo & Letr
Education during Allende
HIST 2UBASA: Direct Enroll:UBA Ciencias Soc
Latin American History
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