SENV 3121A
Intro Marine Ecosystems & Biol
Marine Ecosystems Syllabus
Course description_Marine Ecosystems.docx (14.21 KB)
Instructor: Dr Kathryn Schoenrock (Schoenrock-Rossiter) Meeting Times: Mon/Wed 9-11:30
Overview: An introduction to marine ecosystems using Monterey Bay, CA, as a case study. The geological, societal, biological/evolutionary history of these ecosystems will be discussed along with conservation and other applied topics. We will specifically examine life in the intertidal zone across a range of sites but visit other regions of interest. Students will be trained in biodiversity survey skills and quantitative analyses. In addition, students will complete a field notebook including their natural history observations, specimen collections, and a short research project. Students should expect to spend a good deal of time in the field, including a trip to UCSC where they will learn about marine mammal physiology and research techniques.