Does a global order require global governance regimes and institutions? Can the world be effectively governed? Is justice a legitimate concern of global governance? This course identifies the critical issues of global economic and environmental governance in a highly interdependent world and formulates policy responses to them. The course is divided into four sections. The first section introduces to the various concepts, major theories and approaches to global governance. The second section analyzes the core architectural elements of the current system of global economic and environmental governance, including the WTO, IMF, World Bank and UNFCCC. In section III, we will build a nexus between trade and environment as both issues have a fundamental impact on global sustainable development. The concluding section examines the emerging trend of the nexus of trade and environment that will reshape current patterns in global governance.

2:00pm-3:50pm on Wednesday (Aug 30, 2010 to Dec 14, 2010)
McCone M238