What have we learned from nation building experiences undertaken in both post-conflict and peaceful circumstances? What works, what does not work, and why? These questions become even more important with the increasing complexities of nation building as the interdependence among nations grows and boundaries become more porous.

This colloquium intends to help students explore these questions through comparing and examining specific cases from various lenses. Furthermore, the colloquium intends to help students to see the big picture as well as understand the linkages between different dimensions of nation building.

The colloquium is organized around a series of lectures by leading experts specializing in one or more dimensions and cases of nation building. There are no experts in all of the components of nation building. This colloquium is a collaborative effort. Students are expected to share their unique expertise and knowledge and engage their peers and speakers. The ultimate goal of the colloquium is create environment for students to broaden and deepen their knowledge and acquire more holistic understanding of this complex undertaking.

6:00pm-8:50pm on Wednesday at MGWN MG100 (Jan 31, 2011 to Mar 9, 2011)
6:00pm-8:50pm on Wednesday at MCCN IRVINE AUD (Mar 16, 2011 to Mar 16, 2011)
6:00pm-8:50pm on Wednesday at MGWN MG100 (Mar 23, 2011 to Mar 23, 2011)
6:00pm-8:50pm on Wednesday at MCCN IRVINE AUD (Mar 30, 2011 to Mar 30, 2011)
6:00pm-8:50pm on Wednesday at MGWN MG100 (Apr 6, 2011 to Apr 27, 2011)
6:00pm-8:50pm on Wednesday at MCCN IRVINE AUD (May 4, 2011 to May 4, 2011)
6:00pm-8:50pm on Wednesday at MGWN MG100 (May 11, 2011 to May 18, 2011)
McGowan MG100