FRLA 8423A
Bus Models for Sustainabl Devl
This class combines economics (foundations of environmental economics, ecological economics, corporate social responsibility, and ecological modernization) and business (business models and plans, Green business, social entrepreneurship, management skills, and various functions of a company). Emphasis is on aural, oral and reading proficiency development, and to a lesser extent, writing skills in French. The general level of French proficiency recommended is at minimum Advanced Mid on the ACFTL language proficiency scale.
Given the more advanced linguistic and substantive (content) level of this class, during the first week we will negotiate the distribution between the economics approach (theoretical, macro-level, critical, consideration of competing general models of economic development) and the business approach (micro-level, firm-level, pragmatic, more descriptive and action-oriented). In other words, we will negotiate how much time you wish to spend on each of these complementary perspectives.
In addition to linguistic development and knowledge of topic, we also seek to develop key professional skills such as technical reading, social presentation of self, public speaking, debating skills, and group management.
- Schedule
- 2:00pm-3:50pm on Tuesday, Thursday (Aug 25, 2014 to Dec 12, 2014)
- Location
- Morse B209
- Instructors
Gueldry, Michel R.