ICCO 8512A
Power & Identities in Intercultural Contexts
Power and privilege are relative. Individuals hold multiple, complex, and crosscutting identities and group memberships that confer relative privilege or disadvantage differently in different contexts (Collins, 1990). Derald Wing Sue posits that identity is not simply additive but multiplicative (Wing, 2003). To grow as competent global leaders, those preparing for or in careers that cross cultures, will benefit from a deep understanding of multiplicative identities and how power is negotiated within and without the boundaries of those identities.
To build intercultural competence, and succeed in intercultural communication, negotiations, and transnational business, tomorrow’s leaders will want to form a deep understanding of theories of culture, power, identity, & groups. Such theoretical foundations can facilitate a deep knowledge of intersectionality, power negotiations, improve skills in successfully building mutuality, and gain deep personal insights & critical reflective practice regarding attitudes, biases, and assumptions.
Upon examining these topics orchestrated in the integrative approach, learners will be equipped to contextualize and switch cultural frames, create mutuality despite power differentiation, and critically observe, reflect, and interpret cultural, image, media, & ethnographic literacy to resolve complex global dilemmas and confidently hone competence in intercultural communication.
- Schedule
- 10:00am-5:00pm on Sunday, Saturday at MRSE B106 (Oct 22, 2016 to Oct 23, 2016)
10:00am-5:00pm on Sunday, Saturday at MRSE B106 (Nov 5, 2016 to Nov 6, 2016)
4:00pm-7:00pm on Friday at MRSE B106 (Oct 21, 2016 to Oct 21, 2016)
4:00pm-7:00pm on Friday at MRSE B106 (Nov 4, 2016 to Nov 4, 2016) - Location
- Morse B106
- Instructors